I finally found a great, cheap hosting company, Lithium Hosting (highly recommended for service), which also means I how have a new freedom to create my own website for personal advertisement! Partially because attention has all the good effects of narcotics but doesn’t have any bad bodily effects, but I also got the website to work on web applications, display accomplishments, and a bunch of other stuff, like this blog.
Although I absolutely hate sitting on my beautiful glutes all day, recent life changes have brought me to being glued to this plastic chair, so I decided I will practice some alchemy and turn this useless action into some valuable gold by researching ethical, political, scientific concepts to help me question the world. I will turn my blog into a format where every post is an answer to a question that may incarcerate my mind.
This blog will also serve as some therapeutic value to help discipline my thoughts, as I’ve realized that my mind wonders a different ocean every minute, but I never explore the whole surface. I’ve come across a quote from a philosopher who focused on learning:
“Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink to live” – Socrates
My mind doesn’t look for the necessities (a future post may contradict this statement); It is searching for questions, and it lives when those answers have been found.
Hopefully, you will find knowledge in my posts, but if you think my answer is insulting, comment on the post because I would like to hear your reasoning (but I won’t apologize unless I list a wrong fact). If you think my reasoning is primitive (and not fit for the 21st century), then I may still have room to grow.
The christening of my actually site will be later, maybe around my birthday, but now I wish cheers to any endeavors of knowledge and peace to the courageous adventurers!